What is Normatec?

NormaTec is a device that helps increase blood flow to specific areas in the body compressing and massaging. This helps in recovery from things such as sports injuries, lymphedema, varicose veins and other circulatory conditions. NormaTec is used for Pre/Post Workout, Injury Recovery, Post Surgery Rehab, Swelling and Inflammation. Sessions are either 30 minutes or 1 hour. They can be used as frequently as desired and works best when paired with Cryotherapy.

How does this compare to an ice bath?

It doesn’t. It is simply not possible to achieve the same temperatures and effect with an ice bath. Furthermore, an ice bath is generally an excruciating 12-15 minutes or longer wet process, where, cryotherapy is only a 2½ to 3 minute completely dry session.

Has cryotherapy been tested?

Researchers and providers in Europe have been developing and refining cryotherapy for more than thirty years.

How many times can I get cryotherapy in a day?

We recommend no more than 2 times a day and only then if you are in heavy training.. Otherwise a consistent regiment of two or three times a week for most people is adequate.

Do I have to take a shower before and/or after the therapy?

No. Cryotherapy is an absolutely dry process and does not make your skin wet.

Can I catch a cold because of whole body cryotherapy?

Immediate cold impact of the cryo-session will raise the internal body temperature for a short period of time (around 30-40 sec). This rise has a positive effect on chills and may help to fight the cold.

I am claustrophobic. Will I feel comfortable in the cryosauna?

Yes. The door is never locked and you can step out at any moment. Also, the base inside the cabin is adjusted to your height, insure your head is above and outside the cabin at all times.

How can anybody endure the cold and how do I feel after?

The process only involves hyper cooled air flowing over the surface of the skin so the process never freezes any skin tissues or organs. The result is only a “feeling” of being cold. During each session endorphins, or the body's natural "feel good" substance, are released. The buoyant effects from each session lasts approximately six hours.

Is nitrogen gas dangerous to human beings?

Please Note: The air we breath everyday is made up of 16% Oxygen, 1% Hydrogen, 78% Nitrogen and 5% of other components. The client in the cryotherapy chamber does not breath in gasiform air or nitrogen gas. The client is elevated above the chamber from the chin up and breathing clean oxygen. This is ensured by proper ventilation and verified by an oxygen sensor at all times.